Family Coaching
Relationship/Academics/Family/Money​/Balance/Health & Body​/Communication​
The assessment process strives to establish a baseline within four distinct areas of your child's and family’s current situation. These areas are:
Intellectual: The intellectual realm breaks down into academic performance, belief systems, and thought processes. Learning disabilities are considered in the physical category.
Emotional: Emotional well-being breaks down into behavior, environment, and self-esteem or perception of self.
Physical: The physical in terms of sleep patterns, exercise routines, and eating habits are instrumental factors relating to personal performance. Physical disabilities, learning disabilities and mental illness are examined.
Relational: The over all culture of your parental community, your child’s peer or lack of peer relationships, the inter relations between all family members and communication skills in general.
This all-inclusive assessment process begins with phone or face-to-face interviews with each family member, establishing perspective on the above four categories. Extended family or friends may be consulted, with permission. During these phone interviews, we will establish goals for the individual and the family.
All professionals, deemed relevant, will be consulted. This includes teachers, counselors, doctors, law enforcement officers, therapists and any others.
All previous testing will be examined and in some cases, further testing may be recommended in order to further understand the child's level of cognitive, learning, emotional, and social functioning.
An assessment of your child's personal safety and emotional well-being is of primary interest in deciding whether your child can participate in the family plan while remaining in the home.
Whenever possible it is my primary goal, as your family consultant, to keep your child successfully moving forward while remaining in the home. If we decide together, through the assessment process, that your child requires out of home placement, I will be there with you at no additional charge to put together a highly qualified group of professionals assuring you the best possible placement. If you choose to contract with me while your child is placed out of home, we will develop a family plan for success that includes out of home care. I will act as an advocate for you and your child in their new placement, making sure that everything goes accordingly. You will receive my support and benefit from my experience every step of the way.
At this point, a family plan for success will be presented to the family for review and modification. This plan will be yours to do with as you please; either accepting it or utilizing it on your own. By utilizing my consulting services, you allow me to do two crucial things, assist you with measurable change and help you modify the plan for success on a weekly basis. The latter allows an organic process to take place where by the family marks their successes and continues to build upon them towards the desired results.

Individualized family plans for success are generated as a result of the assessment process being completed. Typically an individualized family plan is designed to move the family and child from their current situation toward the desired results. Results require actions and actions can be measured. Each plan establishes specific desired results that are measurable, relevant and are time related. Families can decide to follow the plan on their own or contract with me, which assures them a guide, mediator, and consultant who will adapt the plan on a weekly basis. Once the desired results have been met, a family can choose to work on new desired result or discontinue services.
Plans breakdown in to 2 different categories. In the home and out of home.
In the home means that the child remains in the home and is a willing participant. The child may be struggling, but their personal safety and emotional well-being is in no way at risk.
Plans may include:
Academic tutoring
Extra curricular activities
Drug testing
Addictions treatment
Family schedule
Sleep schedule
Exercise routine
Crisis intervention plan
Individual therapy
Couple therapy
Family therapy
Community service
Group therapy
Personal responsibility
Personal writing
Work schedule
I want to reach adolescents in crisis prior to the need for out of home intervention. This will prevent the unnecessary cost of time, emotional stress and large amounts of resources. If it becomes clear at any point along the way that the child is not progressing, their personal safety is at risk or their emotional well-being is in jeopardy; I will be there to assist you in putting together a team of professionals to create the best possible out of home plan.
Out of home:
means that the child is placed in an educational facility that is suited to their needs and can assure their personal safety or emotional development.